Database Interview Questions have been designed especially to get tricky Interview Question and Answer.Go through all the questions to enhance your skill and to help you competently crack interviews.
SQL Query to find the position of a given character in field
SQL find the count of the total character -‘n’ in Name field
SQL Query : List of employees whose EmpId is an odd value?
SQL Query to find employees that have same name and age?
SQL query to find the second highest salary?
Total Salary Age wise where more than two employees exits
Find Monthly Salary of Employee If Annual Salary is Given in SQL?
Query to get 3 minimum salaries in oracle.
How to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle?
Query find max,min and average salary of employee in Oracle.
How to Insert record in database using JdbcTemplate and Java 8 ?
how to select even and odd records from a table in oracle?
How do I find duplicate values in a table in Oracle?
How to find count of repeated ids and different ids using Oracle query?