Find largest number in an array and list in java 8?

There are following way to Find largest number in an array and list in java 8.

Using IntStream.of() method:-

  • IntStream.of(int value) returns a sequential ordered stream data whose elements are the specified values.
  • syntax:-     static IntStream of(int… values)
  • Here we call IntStream.of() method to pass array as input data.
  • After that call max method to describing the maximum element of this stream.
  • Now it return max element inside optionalInt variable i.
  • Return type of IntStream of() method is optionalInt.

Using Stream.max() method :-

  • Stream.max() method allows to get maximum value from the processing Stream we pass java.util.Comparator as argument type.
  • Inside Integer::compare Comparators as method-reference comparing the each element.
  • Stream.max() method returns type is Optional<T>
  • From get() method of Optional<T> we can find maximum number from the List .
  • Now print the largest number value.
					import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.OptionalInt;

public class AS {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int arr[] = { 12,34,56,78,32,67 };
		List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(32,56,87,45,12);

		OptionalInt i = IntStream.of(arr).max();
		System.out.println("largest number from IntStream.of() method in array :- " + i);

		Integer l =;
		System.out.println("largest number from Stream.max() method in list:- " + l);

Output :-
largest number from IntStream.of() method in array :- OptionalInt[78]
largest number from Stream.max() method in list:- 87