write a program to check vowel with index in a string in java?

We are convert capital letter to lower case and then traverse string with for loop. To find vowel we compare a character in a String using the charAt() method.

					public class CheckVowel {
	public static void main(String Args[]) {
		String test = "welcome that";
	public static void vowelTest(String test) {
		int i;
		char m = 0;
		String st = test.toLowerCase();
		for (i = 0; i < st.length(); i++) {
			if ((st.charAt(i) == 'a') || (st.charAt(i) == 'e') || (st.charAt(i) == 'i') || (st.charAt(i) == 'o')
					|| (st.charAt(i) == 'u')) {
				m = st.charAt(i);
				System.out.println("index is " + i + ", character is " + m);

Output :- 
index is 1, character is e
index is 4, character is o
index is 6, character is e
index is 10, character is a

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