Program to find the largest number from an Array in java?

Here we are find the largest number from an Array in java.

  • First we sort the given Array from Arrays.sort() method.
  • Now we find the largest value index from numbers.length-1 and pass to declare numbers array.
  • For second largest value we find the second largest numbers index from numbers.length-2 and pass to that index in numbers arrays.
  • Print largest and second largest numbers.

         Syntax :- public static void sort(int[] a);

					import java.util.Arrays;

public class LargestNumberDemo {
	public static void main(String args[]) {

		int numbers[] = { 1, 34, 56, 78, 23, 52, 98, 60 };


		System.out.println("Largest Number value :- " + numbers[numbers.length - 1]);
		System.out.println("Second Largest Number value :- " + numbers[numbers.length - 2]);

Output :-
Largest Number value :- 98
Second Largest Number value :- 78