java string interview questions have been designed especially to get tricky Interview Question and Answer.Go through all the questions which will help you competently crack interviews related to Software Engineering.
How to get matching characters in a string in java?
How to convert Name in Camel case From Java?
How to Generate Random Number using date and some data in Java?
Mask Phone Numbers with java
remove isd code and pipe symbol from mobile number in java?
Java String Methods
how to count special character in a string
program to count the occurrences of each character in a String
program to count words in a given string
How to sort and reverse a string in java?
Print uppercase & lowercase letters separately
How to remove all whitespace from String in Java?
check string have all unique characters?
Reverse a string in Java
write a java program to count special characters in a string.
Java program to print First Letter of Each Word?
Java program to print Even and Odd length words in a String.
write a program to merge String with Word?
How to find out total number of vowel in given string?
write a program to check vowel with index in a string in java?
How can I swap the string without third parameter?
What is double equal(==) operator and equals() method in java?
write a program to count repeat character from a string?
write a program to find non repeat character from a string in java?
write a program to find first non repeat character in a string?