Java has a lot of String Methods that allow us to work with Strings. string is a combination of characters. In Java, objects of String are immutable which means a constant whose value we cannot change once created.
The String class has a following built-in methods that we can use on strings.
charAt() Method :-
- The charAt() method returns the character at the specified index in a string.
- The index of the first character value will be 0.
Syntax public char charAt(int index)
codePointAt() Method :-
- Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index.
- Here at index 2 position character is ‘c’.
- the Unicode value of ‘c’ is 99.
codePointBefore method :-
- Returns the Unicode of the character before the specified index.
- Here at index 1 position character is ‘b’ but the Unicode value of ‘a’ is 97 will be, because it take 1 index before.
compareTo method :-
- Compares two strings lexicographically.
- Here s1 come before s2 and s1 is greater than s2.
compareToIgnoreCase method :-
- Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences.
- Here s1 is in lowercase and s3 is in uppercase character. In s1 String is more character than s2 String.
concat method :-
- Concatenates a string to the end of another string.
- Here concat s1 and s2 String and make an another String.
contentEquals method :-
- The contentEquals() method check a string to find out if it contains the same sequence of characters in the given string.
- Returns true if the both String have same characters exist and false if not same.
endWith method :-
- Checks whether a string ends with the specified character or not.
- Here s1 String endWith ‘gh’ thats why they return true.
equals method :-
- equals method compares two strings. it returns true if the strings are equal, and false if not.
- Here s1 String not equals with “asd” thats why they return false.
hashCode method :-
- It returns the hash code of a string.
Syntax public int hashCode()
indexOf method :-
- Returns the position of the first found occurrence of given characters in a string.
- Here position of “c” inside string s1 is 2.
intern method :-
- This method returns the canonical representation for the string object.
- They will store s1 string object inside string constant pool.
isEmpty method :-
- This method checks whether a string is empty or returns true if the string is empty and false if not.
- Here s1 string have not any data.
Syntax public boolean isEmpty()
valueOf method :-
- The valueOf() method converts different types like character,int,boolean of values into string.
- Here we convert character ‘k’ into String.
convert char to String –
Syntax public static String valueOf(char[] c)
length method :-
- Returns the total number of characters in the String.
Syntax public int length()
split method :-
- Splits a string into an array of substrings.
- Here we divided String s1 in two will be break at position on “d”.
Syntax Public String [] split ( String regex, int limit)
public class StringMethodDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "abcdefgh";
String s2 = "abcdef";
String s3 = "ABCDEF";
String s4 = "";
// using charAt method
System.out.println("from charAt method output :- " + s1.charAt(0));
// using codePointAt method
System.out.println("from codePointAt method output :- " + s1.codePointAt(2));
// using codePointBefore method
System.out.println("from codePointBefore method output :- " + s1.codePointBefore(1));
// using compareTo method
System.out.println("from compareTo method output :- " + s1.compareTo(s2));
// using compareToIgnoreCase method
System.out.println("from compareToIgnoreCase method output :- " + s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s3));
// using concat method
System.out.println("from concat method output :- " + s1.concat(s2));
// using contentEquals method
System.out.println("from contentEquals method output :- " + s1.contentEquals(s2));
// using endWith method
System.out.println("from endWith method output :- " + s1.endsWith("gh"));
// using equals method
System.out.println("from equals method output :- " + s1.equals("asd"));
// using hashCode method
System.out.println("from hashCode method output :- " + s1.hashCode());
// using indexOf method
System.out.println("from indexOf method output :- " + s1.indexOf("c"));
// using intern method
System.out.println("from intern method output :- " + s1.intern());
// using isEmpty method
System.out.println("from isEmpty method output :- " + s4.isEmpty());
// using valueOf method
System.out.println("from valueOf method output :- " + String.valueOf('k'));
// using length method
System.out.println("from length method output :- " + s1.length());
// using split method
String[] arrOfStr = s1.split("d", 2);
for (String str : arrOfStr) {
System.out.println("from split method output :- " + str);
Output :-
from charAt method output :- a
from codePointAt method output :- 99
from codePointBefore method output :- 97
from compareTo method output :- 2
from compareToIgnoreCase method output :- 2
from concat method output :- abcdefghabcdef
from contentEquals method output :- false
from endWith method output :- true
from equals method output :- false
from hashCode method output :- 1259673732
from indexOf method output :- 2
from intern method output :- abcdefgh
from isEmpty method output :- true
from valueOf method output :- k
from length method output :- 8
from split method output :- abc
from split method output :- efgh