Program for Sum of Digits of a Number in Java

Program for Sum of Digits of a Number in Java, there are following step perform:-

  • Create the object of scanner class and to receive user input.
  • The nextInt() method scans the next token of the input data as an “int”.
  • Now initialize an integer number.
  • Make one while loop to check number is not equal to zero.
  • Find the remainder by using the modulo (%) operator. It gives the last digit of the number.
  • In if condition to check reminder is equals to zero otherwise goes to else condition.
  • Declare a variable sum to store the sum of numbers and initialize it to 0.
  • Add the last digit to the variable sum.
  • Divide the number by 10. It removes the last digit of the number.
					import java.util.Scanner;

public class SumOfNumber {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Enter the digit number:");
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
		int num = sc.nextInt();
		int digit = 0;
		int sum = 0;
		while (num != 0) {
			digit = num % 10;
			if (digit % 2 == 0) {
				sum = sum + digit;
			} else {
				sum = sum + digit;
			num = num / 10;
		System.out.println("sum of digit is - " + sum);

output :-
Enter the digit number: 257
sum of digit is – 14